Professional trailbuilder with the Professional Trail Builders Association since 1995.
Sculptor of kinesthetically diverse, dozer-flow trails since 1995.
Pioneer in the evolution of the art/science of creating sustainable, machine-built trails for mountain bikers, hikers, runners and equestrians.
In partnership with Timberline Landscaping, we are now providing a full spectrum of trail surfacing options including concrete, asphalt, TechniSoil G5, crushed stone, stabilized soils, and of course native soils.
Boone is a PTBA Certified Trail Dozer Operator/Instructor; highly skilled on the utilization of trail specific technology like the Sutter 300 Mini Dozer, SWECO 480 Trail Dozer, miniature/micro excavators, loaders, tracked carriers, ATV rakes & harrows, hydraulic and gas powered drilling. He has been extremely fortunate to accumulate well over 10,000 machine hours on trail dozers and mini-excavators.
Professional trailbuilders Kurt Loheit and Tony Boone started to create innovative trail solutions with mountain bikers in mind even before IMBA was born. They have inspired us and supported trailbuilders around the globe for nearly 20 years.
Peter Webber, Trail Solutions: IMBA’s Guide to Building Sweet Singletrack, 2004
His generous pro-bono contributions to the International Mountain Bicycling Association (IMBA) include:
- Training eight (IMBA) Subaru Trail Care Crews 1997-2011,
- Inspiring/conducting mechanized trainings for the IMBA Trail Solutions 2001,
- Securing donation of SWECO 450 Trail Dozer for IMBA Trail Solutions 2000,
- Contributing to four IMBA publications:
- Bike Parks: IMBA’s Guide to New School Trails 2014,
- Managing Mountain Bikes: IMBA’s Guide to Providing Great Riding 2007,
- Trail Solutions: IMBA’s Guide to Building Sweet Singletrack 2004,
- Building Better Trails: Designing, Constructing, & Maintaining Outstanding Trails 2001.